Vermont Sugar Houses Part 2

So as promised, here are some more of my favourite, local sugar houses.  Some of these are in operation, some are now closed and some are collapsed.  This is where nature's sweet nectar - maple sap - is converted into maple syrup.  To get to these featured sugar houses I hike through the woods from my place so see them several times each week in every season.

Bragg Hill Sugar House - not in operation

In late fall:

In winter (from a different angle):

In early spring:

Livingston Mailbox 'Sugar house design'

This mailbox is located almost across the road from the Bragg Hill sugar house and just up the hill from the Livingston sugar house shown below.

Livingston Sugar House - in operation

Livingston operated this sugar house for many years but has now handed over the reigns to a new, younger Valley sugar maker.  It's great news to see some of these places handed over when the older generation feels it is time and doesn't have family members to take over.

My next blog post will introduce you to more sugar houses of the Mad River Valley. Every one of these workhorse operations has so much individual character and a story to tell.

Stay tuned!

Dori Ross


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