When the Weather Outside is Frightful!

We suggest you warm up with a touch of maple sweetness in your morning or afternoon cup of Joe.  This soothing and creamy maple latte recipe is just the cure to warm your wintery bones.   It is so simple:


  • 1 serving of coffee (or espresso)
  • 1-2 teaspoons of pure maple syrup* (any grade)
  • Milk

* We suggest you substitute with a grating of our maple cube or a sprinkling of our maple flakes or a dollop of our maple cream...


Pour the cup of freshly brewed coffee or espresso into a mug, stirring in the maple syrup (or other form of maple). Then, lightly spoon in steamed milk.  You can grate the maple cube or sprinkle the maple flakes on top of the steamed milk.

Sweet Tip: If you have a regular coffee maker at home without a milk steamer, we recommend lightly scalding ¼ of milk in a small pot. When ready, remove the pot from the stove and lightly froth the milk with a milk frother.  

Sweeter Tip:  Place some maple wafers on the side and let these delicate maple candies melt in your mouth (or coffee)!

Dori Ross
