French Toast - Multi-maple!

French toast in my opinion tastes so much better than pancakes. Is that blasphemy? I especially like my French toast with maple four ways...maple sugar, maple syrup, maple flakes and grated maple cube! That's right - it's 'Multi-maple' toast.

Watch the maple cube being grated over French toast. The maple gratings just melt in your mouth with each bite.

Take a peak at this video:

Myth: French toast was invented in France.

FALSE! French toast has existed long before France was even a country. In fact, it may date back to 4th century Rome. Historically, French toast was made out of stale bread and it was a way to make stale bread palatable. Soaking it in milk and egg and then cooking it meant that stale bread was not wasted. The French name is 'pain perdu' which means 'lost bread'. It is also called this in Belgium, New Orleans, Acadiana, Newfoundland, and the Congo, among other places. Before the French called it 'pain perdu' they called it 'pain a la Romaine' (Roman bread).

French Toast Recipe:

Serves 4


2 eggs

1 cup milk

pinch salt

1 Tbsp maple sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp ground cinnamon

8 slices sandwich bread*


1 Tbsp maple syrup

1 tsp maple flakes

Grated maple cube


Whisk together eggs, milk, salt, maple sugar, vanilla and cinnamon in a flat-bottomed baking dish. Place** bread slices (1 or 2 at a time) into the egg mixture and flip to make sure both sides of bread are well-coated.

Melt butter in a large skillet. Place bread slices in skillet and cook until golden brown on each side, about 2-3 minutes.

Serve immediately.

Have maple syrup, maple flakes, and maple cube ready for each person to pour, sprinkle and grate maple over their French toast!

*A thick hand-cut bread is my preference (especially Challah bread)
**You are simply dipping your bread slices into the egg mixture. If you leave your bread in the mixture for an extended amount of time, it will absorb more liquid and take longer to cook through.


Dori Ross
